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In view of ever-changing finance sector, the present issue of Mudra Journal of Finance and Accounting provides new insights for researchers and policy makers. The issue covers studies ranging forecasting the market movements to assessing the financial inclusion. Pavan Kumar and Archana H. N.’s “An Empirical Study on the Application of Moving Averages on Charts with Special Reference to Candlesticks and Heikin-Ashi” extensively examines moving averages and highlights candlesticks and Heikin-Ashi charts. Traders and investors must comprehend these instruments as technology shapes the financial world.

Sanjeet Sharma and Meenakshi Jaswal’s “Performance of Moving Average Trading Rules on BSE Sustainability Indices” examines sustainable investing and technical analysis. This study helps us comprehend how moving average trading regulations can promote sustainable investment on the Bombay Stock Exchange. Kirti Singh’s “Digital Financial Inclusion and Bank Competition: An Impact on Bank Stability in India” examines how digital financial inclusion and bank rivalry affect Indian banks. This study examines banking industry issues and potential as digitalization becomes more integrated with financial services.

Satyaranjan Garu and Srinibash Dash’s “An In-depth Analysis of the Relationship between Financial Inclusion, Women Empowerment, and Self-Help Groups” examines the relationship between financial inclusion, women’s empowerment, and self-help groups in Odisha, India. The study shows how these influences shape the region’s socioeconomic landscape. Kumar Bijoy and Aman Kedia’s “Shift in Factor Investing: An Empirical Study in India” examines factor investing in India. In the changing Indian market, this empirical study investigates factor investing movements to help investors find new methods.

“Dynamics of Spillover among Sectors of the Indian Stock Market Before and During COVID-19” by Karamala Padmasree examines the spillover effects among sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the Indian stock market’s resilience. Anjali Mandal, Raj K. Kovid, and Ashish Saxena’s “Investigating Influence of Financial Literacy on Investment Awareness: Mediating Role of Risk Tolerance” examines how financial literacy affects investment awareness. Further research on risk tolerance’s mediating role provides a sophisticated view of investor decision-making.

Housing Finance: “Do Ownership Groups Affect Housing Finance Company Profitability? An Analysis of the Indian Market” by Mahesh Chandra Sharma and Ashok Kumar investigates the complex relationship between ownership structures and housing finance company profitability, providing useful insights for stakeholders. Ridho Nugraha, Yesi Mutia Basri, Mudrika Alamsyah, Poppy Nurmayanti, and Novita Indrawati’s “The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility, Chief Financial Officer Expert Power, Management Compensation, Capital Intensity Ratio, and Audit Committee on Tax Avoidance” unravels corporate dynamics. Tax avoidance’s complex causes are examined in the study, revealing corporate behaviour. In the age of technology, “Financial Market Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Research Direction” by Amit Kumar, Manpreet Kaur, and Anil Kumar Mittal provides a bibliometric analysis. This paper analyses the current state and guides future research on this growing topic.

Finally, these different pieces enrich financial knowledge. These studies illuminate the financial world for practitioners, scholars, and enthusiasts as we navigate an ever-changing financial landscape. The curiosity to understand finance and investment drives further exploration. We hope this issue of MUDRA is illuminating and insightful for our readers and motivates potential authors to make more unique, diverse, and topical contributions to the journal.


Dr. Prashant Sharma

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